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Saturday 27 July 2024

Works News - Basketball renovations

The basketball court/tennis wall renovation is now complete, at a total investment cost of €15K
  - New fence and gate installed last week
  - New court surface and drainage completed earlier in the winter.
We are delighted to see some of our younger members taking advantage of this already.
See the main article for some pictures.

Pool News

Following the EGM we are in discussion with the bank about financing options. We are working on options that take account of the payment needs on our existing loans, including the French government Covid loan, which will be fully repaid in 2026. We expect these discussions to be completed this month.
If we have the green light, the pool work will take place from October 2024 to April 2025.

Gardening Team news

All the newly prepared flower beds around the tennis courts have been given a final layer of wood chippings to keep the weeds down. 600 bulbs have been planted ready to pop up in the Spring. 11 red roses have been purchased and are ready to plant immediately by the gardening team. The work was financed 50% by Anke’s collection. Thank you to Linda, Jane and Christiane.

LIFT Update - 21 Feb 2024

Our lift has required multiple repairs recently. Thanks to Carole Gressier, who has called the maintenance company almost daily to get this resolved, the lift is now working properly again. However, users are advised not to open the door manually