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Wednesday 22 January 2025

Tennis at the SAC is managed by the Tennis Section Committee.
See this article for details and contact information. (Email: )


The Club has 8 outdoor tennis courts: 

  • Three all-weather courts, including 1 floodlit,
  • Five clay courts

There are also two all-weather courts, including one floodlit, available at the Mare Adam site (a 5-minute drive from the Club).

Court Reservations

You will have seen that the Club has switched over to the new FFT Ten'Up tennis court reservation system and discontinued the ADSL system.

The Ten'Up service is now up and running for ALL FULL members, with or without a licence, and you can now download it to your smartphone from the app store (Apple or Android). You can also go on to the Ten’Up website ( and create your account.

If you put in your SAC email connection and answer your profile questions, and make your profile accessible to other members, Ten’Up will link you up as a SAC member and you will be able to access the SAC Tennis courts to reserve a session.

The system, like the previous one, has been set so as to be able to reserve a maximum of 2 days in advance.
Only one reservation at a time, once your session has started you have to wait for it to finish to reserve another one.

See the following introductory materials (in French):

How to manage your medical certificate:
How to book a court -1:
How to book a court -2:
Please contact   if you need help.

Lessons and Coaching

We are happy to announce that our brand-new Tennis Coaching team will be operative from July 15 and all summer.
Sport Event Ambition is a French association of 4 coaches who will oversee our new tennis school.
The coaches are:
*  Heissen and Gregory who will oversee the 7-17 tennis school
*  Belladora and Paco who will oversee the 3-7 mini-tennis school

Click on the following for a description and the registration forms for the Summer stages and the Annual coaching.
Summer Stages - Registration form (docx)
Annual Coaching Tariff - Annual registration form

We hope you will register and enjoy this new super team of 4 coaches dedicated to your favourite sport at the Standard Athletic Club.
Send your registrations for both the annual coaching and the summer stages to Grégory at (phone: 0624208027)

Ladies' Teams

The club has two teams which take part in league events from March through to June.

Both tournaments take place during the week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

The Raquettes team is for players who are ‘non-classée, 40 or 30/5’. Matches consist of 2 singles and one doubles.

The ALT’s team is for players who are ‘non-classée and up to 30/1’. Matches consist of 3 singles and one doubles.

Anybody interested in taking part, please contact Sally Cangardel.

Men's Team

The club has one Men's team. Anybody interested in playing should contact  

Children's Teams

The club has four Junior teams taking part in FFT events in the Spring and Autumn. For more information see the Children's section on this site.

Tennis Licences

It is extremely important to have a valid tennis license less than 3 years old when playing tennis at the Club; FFT Licenses for children and adults are not included in the Club's joining fees. Don’t hesitate to contact , if necessary for more information. The medical certificate is no longer mandatory for adults to obtain a license.
For minors, a self-certificate (health questionnaire) signed by persons exercising parental authority must be provided. If one or more sections of the health questionnaire have a positive response, then a medical certificate to certify the absence of contraindication to practising tennis less than 6 months old, must be provided.
If you wish to play in competitions the medical certificate should state “competition autorisée”.

These documents needed may also be downloaded here (see the attachments below): Ministry of Sports questionnaire (forulaire_qs_sport.pdf); Child 'attestation' (modele_attestation_mineur.pdf); Adult 'attestation' (modele_attestation_adulte.pdf).

License costs for the  2024-2025 Season:

Adult license: €33
Junior 7-18: €23
6 and under: €13

Tennis Court Rules

Doubles have priority

When courts are busy, singles players should invite, or allow 2 others, to join them.

Proper dress is required

Players are expected to wear proper tennis outfits, with a white shirt or blouse and white socks. Players must wear proper flat-sole tennis shoes on clay courts.

Clay courts must be ‘dragged’ after play

Players are required to maintain the clay courts by ‘dragging’ them and, if necessary, watering them after play.
In addition, when the weather is dry and hot, please also water the court before you play if there has been nobody playing immediately before you.

Clay courts must be protected after heavy rain

‘No play’ notices may be posted up on the courts, after heavy rain, or courts may be locked.

Coaching, matches, tournaments

Courts may be allocated for matches, tournaments or coaching at the discretion of the Tennis Committee.


Visitors are welcome to play anytime during the week all year round, and on Saturday and Sunday mornings before 12 pm, when the clay courts are open.

formulaire_qs_sport.pdf 670kB
modele_attestation_adulte.pdf 111kB
modele_attestation_mineur.pdf 112 kB
modele_certificat_medical_0 (1).pdf 48kB

2024/25 Medical Certificate for juniors (Under 18)