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Saturday 27 July 2024

Pool News - Project update and 2024 closure date

The pool project continues to advance:

   * Final pricing and payment terms negotiated
   * Applications for authorisations delivered to the relevant authorities
   * Loan papers signed, and loan now available to be drawn on as payments are made to the suppliers.  We are pleased to confirm a 10-year loan at 4.15% APR.
   * In order to set firm dates with suppliers, the pool will be closed from 30th September 2024. This will allow the work to begin in early October and will also allow us to lock in a contractual “completion date” with our suppliers.

The Management Team

Pilates and Step & Sculpt classes paused

On-site classes at the Club are currently paused, but Pam will offer Zoom classes on Wednesdays until the 7th of August. Contact Pam at to sign up and stay tuned to your emails for class confirmations and updates.
Normal working will resume in September.
(Mondays: Step 10:00; Sculpt 11::00. Wednesdays: Zoom Pilates 9:30; SAC 2:30 pm Pilates Mat - Beginner/Intermediate. Saturdays: 9:45 Pilates Mat; 11:00 Pilates Mat Intermediate/Advanced. 12:30 Step.)

Golf News: Summer Eclectic - July/August 2024

The Section's Summer Open Eclectic Competition is open and running from 1 July to 30 August.
Held at Villarceaux Golf Club
Participants submit 6 best scorecards during this period from which a best composite score is calculated.
Details: Frederic Thiriet +33 6 60 96 93 16, or

Bar and Restaurant - Menu for 27/28 July Weekend

Mains: Courgette Ricotta Lasagna, Roasted Summer Vegetable and Orzo Salad.
Pastries: Brownies, Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake, Raspberry Crumble Bars.

*Please note that this is the last lunch offer for the summer. In August people will still be able to enjoy lunch at the Club with the choice of Vrai & Bon Bocaux, see the main article.

Golf News: Autumn Weekend Omaha Beach 13/14/15 September 2024

Having had a successful weekend at Etretat in April, our next outing will be to Omaha Beach from the 13th to the 15th of September.
This means lunch and a reconnaissance round on Friday afternoon, an official Stableford competition on Saturday, and a friendly, fun competition on Sunday.
The 4-star Mercure Hotel is almost on the golf course and is one we have stayed at on a number of occasions already, the last time being in 2022.
Details: David Colson: +33 6 11 88 73 55, or

Tennis Doubles Tournament Results - 28/29 June

The Finals were played over two days:
- Mixed Doubles Final on Friday at 7 pm: Clotilde & Arnaud Paquier defeated Maximilien & Georgina Marrisson. 
- Men's Doubles Final on Saturday at 4.30 pm: Philippe Vignal & Melvin Cooke defeated Raphael Imbert & Paul Rebaud
Read on for a picture of the winners!

Louis Tchertoff (1959-2024) RIP

Louis Tchertoff passed away on 27 June following complications from an operation. This sadly follows the passing of his elder brother Francis 5 years ago.
Louis was a very active Club member ever since he was born in 1959 and until the late 80s when he left the Paris region settling in Normandie and later moving abroad to develop an international career.
In the late 60s and early 70s he started playing football, tennis and snooker at the Club. He showed his team skills as Captain of the SAC football Cadet team and later as goalkeeper for the Men's Saturday team during the early 80s. 
The SAC Saturday team were a very strong team in the 70s and 80s playing all around the Paris region in the "Ligue de Paris”.
The family will gather for a private funeral in the Limoges region, where he had settled.

Taekwondo News - Preparing the 2024/2025 season

For the coming 2024/2025 season, the Club proposes Taekwondo lessons for children and adults on Saturday afternoons.
Feel free, for yourself or for your children, to try this very positive activity.
For any questions or inquiries, please send an email to:
We need to plan and set up the new schedule from September.
(See this article for more information about Taekwondo.)

Bridge News - 18 June 2024 Tournament Results

The detailed results of the June tournament are in the main article - as are the answers to the quiz.
Warmest congratulations go to: 1st - Danielle Roux with the highest score overall - 65.87% (1st in the East line); 2nd - Jean Pal with 63.10% (1st in the West line); 3rd - Annie Jais with 61.90% (1st in the North line) and Luc Barbier with 59.92% (1st in the South line). As far as Club members are concerned, next in line are Joan with 57.54%, Ghislaine with 52.78% and Jane with 50.79% (tying with Raphael).
The proposed date for the next tournament is Tuesday 17 September at 2.30 pm. On this occasion we will present the prizes to the winners of the Individual Tournament, the Oliver Langhorne Fair Play Cup and the Henri Natanson Cup.

Squash News: Queen's Cup report

The Queen’s Cup is back! After a couple of years without the Queen’s Cup due to Covid, we were back this year with a 16-player line-up coming from all clubs of the Ile-de France and beyond. The SAC with 5 players participating in the main draw had strong chances of winning the tournament. Congratulations to Nicolas Rosset, the tournament victor, once a well-known face at the SAC before moving to Nantes! Read on for more details and some pictures.

Cricket News - Kent Tour 25/26/27 May 2024 Match reports

In May, the SAC CC headed off to Kent for their annual cricket tour to the Garden of England over the long UK Bank Holiday weekend, and came back unbeaten!
Three games were played: Saturday - beat Shepway Stragglers by 129 runs; Sunday drew with Band of Brothers CC; and on Monday beat Chestfield CC by 6 runs!
Read on for a full report on all three matches.

Club closing times from 1 June to 31 August

From Saturday 1 June, the Club will stay open an extra hour in the evening until the end of August: 10 pm from Sunday to Thursday and 11 pm on Friday and Saturday.
As usual, the Bar and Restaurant will close 15 minutes before the Club's closing time.

Bridge News - 21 May 2024 Tournament

The next tournament we are proposing is on Tuesday 21 May at 2.30 pm, preceded by a quiz at 2 pm and ending with a little cocktail, so do let Jenny or Anne know if you can attend and if you would like us to find you a partner.
Here is the quiz Quiz_Texas_mineur20240506_2.jpgthe theme is "Texas for the minors & developments thereafter".
Here are the answers ( AFit_Stayman_20240508.jpg) to last month's quiz - "How to show the fit after a Stayman"; a particularly interesting theme, some of the hands using the "Convention 2012", the description of which was attached last time.

Bridge News - 21 May 2024 Tournament Results

Here are the "Section" results of our tournament: RESULTATS_20240521.pdf. In due course, the FFB will send the nationwide results of this Simultané Ronde de France. Well done to Anne (Raynaud) and Luc, 1st in NS with 59.58%! Judy and Jenny came 1st in EW with 62.08% and there was a tie for 2nd place in EW between Jane & Lucie and Dougie & Ian, both pairs scoring 57.92%; Ghislaine and Nicole (Doyle) coming 2nd in NS with 56.67%.
Many thanks to Maureen, Christine Butterworth, and Anne (R) for their different contributions.
We are proposing Tuesday 18 June for the next tournament.. However, since there would appear to be many absentees, please let Jenny know as soon as possible how many of you can or cannot attend.

Bridge News - 23 April 2024 Tournament Results

The winners of Tuesday's tournament (23/4) in East/West were Nicole (Devaux) and Jean-Paul (Ruzé) with a massive score of 66.25% and in North/South with an excellent score of 58.75% Jane (Brooks) and Yves (Delserieys). Second in NS were Jean (Pal) and Nicole (Doyle) with 53.33% and in EW - Richard and Leon with 50.42% and, on their heels, Claude and Dougie and also Marie-Claire and Catherine (Boyer) with exactly 50%. The full results are here: RESULTATS_20240423.rtf.
And here is some additional information about the bidding convention (Convention 2012) for the quiz Quiz 20240423 (How to show the fit after a Stayman ): Une_Convention_moderne_et_très_pratique.docx.
Sincere thanks go to Joan for all her help in getting everything ready for the tournament, and to Carole and Arthur for their help with the cocktail, and to all of you for such rapid clearing away afterwards!
For the next tournament we are proposing Tuesday 21 May at 2.30 pm, preceded by a quiz at 2 pm and ending with a little cocktail, so do let us if you can attend and if you would like us to find you a partner.

SAC Junior Cricket Fixtures 2024




Saturday 4 May Training 10h-11h Net session 11h-12h30
Saturday 11 May Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 18 May Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 25 May Training 10h-11h Junior Cricket Festival
Saturday 1 June Training 10h-11h Net session 11h-12h30
Saturday 8 June Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 15 June Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h (match vs British School, TBC)
Saturday 22 June Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 29 June Parents vs Kids 10h-11h Fathers vs Sons 11h-13h
Saturday 6 July Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 13 July Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
 Mid-season break  
Saturday 24 August Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 31 August Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 7 September Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 14 September Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 21 September Training 10h-11h Training 11h-13h
Saturday 28 September Parents vs Kids 10h-11h Fathers vs Sons 11h-13h



Head, Junior Cricket
06 01 41 75 69

06 64 52 92 26