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Tuesday 11 February 2025

 Ian CULLY, who died on 25 January, was a longstanding and valued member of the SAC - together of course with his wife Pat who was very active on the membership front. Ian was a keen member of the cricket team, causing bewilderment amongst opposing batsmen with his Burmese brand of spin bowling. Still under the sports heading, he was once a cunning squash player and became a keen golfer when Villarceaux became the main venue for new and existing SAC golfers. More importantly no doubt, Ian was a major figure on the SAC Management team, serving for many years as Club Treasurer at a time when the Club was fortunate enough to have many more members than at present.

The funeral will take place on 12th February at 3:30 pm at Église du Cœur Immaculé de Saint Marie, 23 Rue de Verdun, 92150 Suresnes. After the mass, there will be a reception in Ian's honour at Les Essentielles, 4 rue Diderot, 92150 Suresnes. This was Ian's residence and it's a short 5-10 minute walk from the church.
Please post your messages of condolence, memories or anecdotes here:
For further information, please contact Ian's daughter, Jane, at this address: .