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Wednesday 24 April 2024

Our thanks to everyone who attended the EGM and voted on the Motions. Thanks also to Cecilia AMOR MAHIA and Daniel TERRINGTON for acting as “electronic vote counters”.
The votes were as follows:

  1. Statutes and Rules: 141 yes, 9 no, 10 abstentions.  Passed by the required 2/3 majority.
  2. Revised subscription pricing: 139 yes, 18 no, 3 abstentions. Passed
  3. AGM date (before 30 Sept): 156 yes, 1 no, 3 abstentions. Passed

All motions therefore passed.

Our thanks to the Statutes and Rules Sub-Committee (Laurent BRAULT (Chair), Carmel CAHILL, Dougie ANDERSON, James MOORE, David QUINN, Rich PARKIN) and the Pricing Sub-Committee (Gigi COTHIER, Roxane GIRAULT, Emile FREIHA, Rich PARKIN) for their work.