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Tuesday 23 April 2024

- Junior squash lessons with Roland Bassibey have started (lessons on Saturdays from 3 pm to 4 pm) (Register here)
- Team practice session Saturday 4 pm to 6 pm (non-team members welcome)
- SAC squash teams 1 and 2 need more players! IDF league matches should begin mid-November in 2nd Division and 4th Division respectively
- A "squash discovery" event will be organised at the beginning of October (date not yet set). Players of all levels, including complete beginners, are encouraged to come and play. More details soon.
- A Junior Squash tournament is taking place on Sunday 17 October in Chaville; the SAC should be represented by several players (tbc)
- Chaville is also organising a one-day open tournament on Saturday, 2 October
- Congratulations to Jean-Guillaume and Greg for their results in the tournament they played last weekend! (3rd place for JG)