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Saturday 27 July 2024

The lessons are coordinated by Hervé Antchandie, chief coach and René, a teacher whom some of you met last year. 

Please see the attached files for the groups and lesson times for both the adult and child programmes.

For this year's payments, you have 3 payment options:

  • By cheque in 3X or 4X which will be cashed at the end of each month until December (all checks must be submitted at the same time before the end of September).
  • By bank transfer before mid-October.
  • In cash.

Cheques should be made in the name of ANTCHANDIE and for transfers, the IBAN is as follows: 
(Remember to reference your name or that of your child on the transfer)
Herve RIB

Looking forward to October, there will be two week-long camps organized from Monday 24/10 to Friday 28/10. The first course will be pure leisure, a week of guaranteed fun, while the second will be more focused on competition for all our future champions.

If you haven't yet signed up for coaching, follow this link ( for the registration forms for lessons with coach Hervé Antchandie (). 

See the attached 'PROGRAM-HERVE-2.pdf' file for the full set of options for adults and children.

For all requests and additional information contact Hervé by phone at 06 14 84 08 82 or by email: .

See also the Tennis Lessons and Coaching Page.

Download this file (ADULT_LESSON.pdf)ADULT_LESSON.pdf[ ]463 kB
Download this file (CHILD-LESSON 2.pdf)CHILD-LESSON 2.pdf[ ]154 kB
Download this file (PROGRAM_HERVE-2.pdf)PROGRAM_HERVE-2.pdf[ ]595 kB