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Friday 26 April 2024

The next "pairs" tournament will take place on Friday 24 March, starting at 3 pm. we will use another "BCSH Ecole de Bridge simultané", the theme of which is "Choice of intervention after RHO has opened in a minor suit" (Choix de l'intervention sur ouverture mineure). See the attached quiz. (In case it is not clear enough, the opening of the first 5 hands is "1Club" and the last 3 "1Diamond").

The tournament will be followed by our traditional  "buffet campagnard". There's still room for more people, so do let us know as soon as possible. Don't worry if you haven't a partner, we are several jokers happy to play with you. We will go through the quiz at 2.30 and play as of 3 pm.

Following the discussion at the AGM about Workshops a first one is being proposed for the afternoon (lunch is not available) of Tuesday 28 March at 2 or 2:30 pm on the theme of "Slam bidding", in particular the use of the  "5-Keys Blackwood" convention. 

Jenny has at last been able to receive the monthly Trefle Meudonnais Newsletter, if anyone hasn't seen it and would be interested in taking part in their many different tournaments and competitions please contact Jenny.

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